Dora the Internet Explorer.exe

Dora the
Internet Explorer was my favourite TV Show. I would watch it day and
night, heck, I even fapped to it. However, I don't think I want to watch
Dora the Internet Explorer anymore, or basically any TV series for that
matter, as I'm fucking scared now, and besides, I'm in the afterlife,
where there are no TVs (although I get some $$$$$$ for making this
It all started out when I was watching Dora the
Internet Explorer on Youtube. Well, Dora was browsing Internet Explorer
and started lagging. After she stopped lagging, she found a link.
Instead of travelling to the website, her eyes started bleeding and
looked hyper-realistic. She killed Boobs (in DTIE they refer to Boots as
Boobs) and said "CLICK THE LINK) so I went to my PC and typed that
link. Then it made me download a hyper-realistic bleeding file. It was a
video game of DTIE. It was called "Dora teh crappy internet
browser.(s)exe.jpg.wav.vbs.png. and stuuffff. the totle screen was just
stactiz and it cut to some words saying in blood: Hey, wanna play with
me, Richard?" idk how it knew my name, but i rly(REALLY, USE PROPER
GRAMMAR, FOOL!) wanted to play a game. The game was me playing as
Hyper-Realistic Boobs. I thot he died. And then Dora killed him. I then
played as the fox and died. I then played as Richard then I died. Then
there was an image of Dora with words, saying "I AM AN INTERNET EXPLORER
GOD" "No shit'' I say. Then a Dora plushie pops up and murders me with a chicken knife.